The Kundalini Power and Diet: By Dr. Harsh K. Luthar

All human beings have access to the hidden intelligence that is referred to in Shakti Yoga as the Kundalini power. This intuitive and creative energy which is latent in the unconscious mind, when brought forth in a systematic way through yoga and meditation, leads to successful efforts and allows one to achieve ones objectives.

Why do some people clearly stand out in their field and exhibit brilliance, strategic vision, and leadership? Yogic psychology explains this by suggesting that certain individuals are able to tap into this extraordinary inner intelligence more easily then others. This allows them to see solutions which are not obvious, and have a vision of  the future and move towards it while leading others. Yogic literature indicates that, along with concentration and meditation, what we consume as food also has a profound impact on increasing our ability to consciously activate this creative mental energy.

Why Consider Food?

Of all the rules and suggestions that come from yoga psychology, probably the most important is to eat nourishing food in moderate quantities.

Modern science now tells us that food plays a critical role in our health. What we eat can have a major influence on our mental and physical well being. Yogic sciences proclaimed this same fundamental truth thousands of years ago.

In the classic Hindu scripture, Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna refers specifically to food and suggests that in order to gain success in yoga one should eat nutritious foods of a “sattvic” nature in moderate quantities.  See the following article on how “sattvic diet” is associated with the teachings of the Bhagavad-Gita.

This simple truth about “sattvic” foods and their influence on the body and the mind has been repeated by great Yogis in every generation.

What Not To Consume

On the Kundalini path, not only must we be selective in terms of what we put in our body, but we must also take care in what not to consume. Although there are no generally accepted rigid rules for a practitioner of this yoga, sensitivity to one’s own body and its needs is absolutely critical.

Based on the practical experiences of yogis, we can say that for spiritual aspirants dedicated to yoga, meditation, reflective inquiry, and Self-Realization,  items such as alcohol, cigarettes, and any type of mind altering drugs can act as major obstacles on the path.

Alcohol and drugs can in a subtle way change the chemistry of the body and the perceptions of the mind and affect the development of concentration and the innate creative power that brings success in various endeavors. Further, use of such substances can lead to dependence, addiction, lack of self-control, and anxiety. Therefore, in the classical yoga traditions, such methods for altering mental states are rejected.

Natural Means for Evolution

Maharishi Patanjali, in his classic work “Yoga Sutras” emphasizes the natural way to achieve Samadhi (Self-Realization) through concentration and meditation. The whole of his book is devoted to how the mind should be controlled using natural means.  He points out that the superstructure of the spiritual path must be based on the certain moral principles; the top two of which are Ahimsa (nonviolence) and Satya (Truthfulness).

If we review the various traditions associated with classical yoga, only meditation, yoga, pranayama (regulated breathing), and at times regulated fasting with prayers and mantras are relied upon as methods of choice for spiritual awakening. One should study the subject of sattvic diet carefully as the food one consumes has a direct effect on the body and therefore influences how we feel and think. How we feel, think, and act in turn impacts various aspects of manifestation of the spiritual intelligence referred to as Kundalini Shakti.

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