From Chaos To Clarity: By Dr. Suryanarayana Raju

Many convert spirituality into a process of becoming from the present state of chaos to the perfect state of Self. This allows the mind to perpetuate itself in the name of spirituality.

Be aware of this trick of the mind. Spirituality is to be aware of “what is”. This very awareness brings transformation of present chaotic state of “what is”, to a perfect state of clarity here and now. Transformation happens in the “now”, in the present moment. Continue reading

The Art Of Observation: By Dr. Raju

Self-inquiry is to reflect whatsoever is passing by in the inner consciousness.

Consciousness reflects diamonds or pebbles equally. By its very nature it won’t choose that which is reflected.

Ego is the consummation of all past experiences. So if we observe through the observer there is the perpetuation of the past. Nothing new can be observed with such a type of observation.

Self-inquiry is not a process of “doing”.It is a process of conscious observation without the interference of the “doer”. In such a type of observation even “doer” is an object of observation. Continue reading

Ramana: The Essential Teachings

Bhagavan Ramana


Discern at every step that I am whatever is beginningless, conscious, unborn, primal, resident in the Heart-cavity, unsullied, and transcending the world, whatever is pure, peerless, desireless, beyond sight or other perceptions or even mental apprehension. Continue reading

The Nature of Enlightenment in Advaita

Dear Harsha:

In many Eastern traditions it is believed that once a person is fully Self-Realized or Enlightened, he or she attains complete perfection and becomes omniscient and all knowing about three periods of time (past, present, and the future) anywhere in the entire universe. What would be Sri Ramana Maharshi’s view on this? Was Sri Ramana really all knowing and perfect in every way?
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Keep The Essential Focus: By Dr. Harsh K. Luthar

Bhagavan Ramana

Bhagavan Ramana

Sri Ramana used to say that there are so many scriptures, it is hard to read them all.  Bhagavan’s view was that once an aspirant understands the essence of the pure teaching of self-inquiry, practice becomes the most critical factor on the path.

I should add that the commentaries on the scriptures are endless as well! Continue reading

Bhagavan Ramana: By M.G. Shanmugam

From M.G. Shanmugam’s Personal Diary

When we were living at Darapuram and I was seven years old, I was initiated into Linga puja. Such traditional upbringing gradually involved me in the study of the Sastras, doing japa, bhajan, saguna and nirguna dhyana (form and formless meditation) and regular puja three times a day. During this period I also had three gurus.

I came to the conviction that the highest human attainment was the state of Jivanmukti (full enlightenment whilst still in the body). I was then at Tiruchengode (1921-1925) studying in college. When I was 18 years old, I fervently prayed that I should meet a Jivanmukta and receive his blessings.

My prayers were soon answered! Continue reading

Acceptance – A conversation between Lover and Beloved

The spiritual path, or spiritual sadhana, or we could also call it path of unfoldment, because we just unfold to what is; at the beginning, requires of:

  • Assuming one’s responsibility
  • Accepting the state of affairs of our life as it stands today
  • this brings us to a general sense of devotion to our lives
  • which in turn brings about the surrender required to experience Unity Consciousness

Acceptance is one of the key qualities that we need to implement in our lives. Understanding that our particular form of life is the result of an evolutionary process brings us into terms with life, as it is experienced by our own particular individual mind. Karma is a very much misunderstood concept. Continue reading

Healing Poses for the Abdominal Organs: By Christine Wushke

This sequence of poses is great for when you feel sluggish, run down, heavy, or are just needing some over all healing for the abdominal organs. If you have a serious medical condition, these poses may not be for you, when in doubt check with your doctor.

Reclining Bound Angle Pose

reclining bound angle pose 1

Lie on two or three staggered blankets, checking that your body is totally comfortable. Support your head with a blanket, and support your thighs with blocks or pillows. Breathe evenly and relax into the pose. Enjoy for 3 or more minutes, and then roll to your right side. Continue reading