The Magic of Being Alone

From Mira Prabhu, the yogini, mystic, and insightful writer currently residing at Arunachala.

mira prabhu

GRAPHIC OF WOMAN1992 for me was a time of great personal darkness—sparkly on the outside, rotten on the inside. Stuck in a difficult marriage, I asked a friend at work if I could unload my troubles on her.

Karen was an opera singer at the start of her career; like me, she supported herself by freelancing in Manhattan law firms and on Wall Street. I admired her creativity, courage and higher values. Often  after work we’d walk across Manhattan to my apartment and chat while I cooked us dinner.

“Let’s go to Central Park tomorrow,” she suggested. “We can talk freely there.” So next day we strolled through that gorgeous park and I told her, tears streaming down my face, that the husband I once believed I’d love and respect to my dying day had turned into a materialistic stranger.

“Why are you so scared to leave him then?” she asked in her direct fashion. “Sounds…

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Samsara is a Fickle Beast!

From the yogini, mystic, and a great and insightful writer, Mira Prabhu.

mira prabhu

Kiri 16GB sd card 3273‘Samsara’ is a Sanskrit word that approximates to ‘relative reality.’ When Buddha gave us his first noble truth: life is suffering, it was this level of reality he was referring to, simply, the ups and downs of a life lived in duality. It is his fourth truth that points the way out of suffering, and thank Ultimate Consciousness, I say, that there is indeed a highway that can lead us permanently out of this mess!

I’m writing this because I’ve been hit by a series of minor calamities (that’s probably an oxymoron, but never mind.) One dog who refuses since to eat and won’t tell me why, ha ha ha, my other dog who is totally nutso and terrified of most humans, and, out of the blue, a sciatica attack from hell, most likely due to the fact that I’ve been working way too long on the computer. It flared up last night…

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The True Master


A True Master does not tell you to do this or that.

Already, you are bewildered going to motivational speakers, satsang teachers, and visiting one guru after another.

The Master simply brings attention to your nature as Being-Awareness, and invites you to rest in your own Heart.

Ego’s Death


Sri Ramana emphasizes that the true renunciation does not involve going to some special place like a forest or ashram to meditate.

The real giving up, is letting go of the ego, the sense of doership, the identification with our mental fluctuations due to attachments and expectations.

It Is Just You!


Sri Ramana used to say that the Eternal Divine nature cannot be present at one time and absent at another.

So we must become aware of our Self in this present moment. 

It is only in the present that the Self is Realized.

That is because the very nature of the Self is Pure Presence.

It is Pure Being.

Faith and Grace


Photo art from Eden Kailash Facebook Page


Without faith one can never jump into the arms of the Divine Beloved.

We do not have enough personal strength to go into the unknown.

The personal identity cannot step into the unknown without faith.

To allow that final surrender to the Divine to take place is called Grace.

Self is Bliss


The seat of Realization is within and the seeker cannot find it as an object outside him.

That seat is bliss and is the core of all beings.

Hence it is called the Heart.

~ Sri Ramana.

Do Not Be Serious About Anything!

From the great writer and mystic yogini Mira Prabhu residing at Arunachala.

mira prabhu

9a777a0771ebcfae58de22014c1fa031-1During my stay at a beautiful Ashram in America long years ago, I was consumed with worry about my future. You see, I had jumped out of the mainstream by quitting a great  job in Manhattan, sold my lovely apartment, left good friends behind, and landed in the Himalayas without a parachute in the middle of a grueling winter. From there, still restless and seeking, I had moved around in both East and West, on a quest for that perfect refuge where I could focus on my creative and spiritual goals. But nothing seemed to work out and by now I was truly sunk in misery.

A friend saw my sad face; impulsively, she tore a page out of the book she was reading and handed it to me. The title said: Do Not Be Serious About Anything: it was a message from the guru of that Ashram, who advised…

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