The Mother of all Chai: By Dr. Harsh K. Luthar

The Mother of All Chai

This morning I skipped breakfast and made instead the “Mother of all Chai”, my special Vegan Chai recipe.

I grated fresh ginger root, grated fresh turmeric root, added five cinnamon sticks (maybe more) and a lot of whole black peppers as well as lot of Fennel seeds, Anise seeds, and Ajwain seeds. Not stopping there, I added many whole Cloves and Cardamom seeds.

The I put the mix in a large pot of water and brought the pot to a boil.

After letting it simmer on low for ten minutes, I added loose black Darjeeling tea to the mix and let it simmer for 5 more minutes.

Using a strainer to pour the liquid in my Chai mug, I added Soy milk and then sweetened the mixture with stevia.

Finally, I sat down and sipped the Chai slowly and watched as this magical potion gently energized me and made me…

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Food is Sacred

Vegan Salad with Mango pieces

Sri Ramana spent many years cooking for others at the Ashram and even gave precise instructions to those in the kitchen on cooking! He was a taskmaster and did not allow any food to be wasted.

The Upanishads remind us that food is sacred. “Food (anna) itself is Brahma” ~  Taittiriya Upanishad.

Bhagavan Ramana taught the devotees that food influences our body and mind, and should be selected with care, prepared well, and eaten in moderation.

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The Mother of all Chai: By Dr. Harsh K. Luthar

This morning I skipped breakfast and made instead the “Mother of all Chai”, my special Vegan Chai recipe.

I grated fresh ginger root, grated fresh turmeric root, added five cinnamon sticks (maybe more) and a lot of whole black peppers as well as lot of Fennel seeds, Anise seeds, and Ajwain seeds. Not stopping there, I added many whole Cloves and Cardamom seeds.

The I put the mix in a large pot of water and brought the pot to a boil.

After letting it simmer on low for ten minutes, I added loose black Darjeeling tea to the mix and let it simmer for 5 more minutes.

Using a strainer to pour the liquid in my Chai mug, I added Soy milk and then sweetened the mixture with stevia.

Finally, I sat down and sipped the Chai slowly and watched as this magical potion gently energized me and made me smile and sing.

Mother of all Chai

Luthar’s Chaimacolate: The Natural Low Carb Super Energy Drink

Harsh K. Luthar - Flying

Harsh K. Luthar – How I feel after Chaimacolate

By Dr. Harsh K. Luthar

Have you heard of Chaimacolate? It is pronounced Chai-Ma-Co-Late

Of course, you have not! I just made this term up to describe the Super Rich Energy drink that I have been taking off and on for the last year. Continue reading

Yoga and Diet: By Amalia Shakti


The practice of yoga is usually followed by a change in eating habits. When your body and inner-self start feeling good, you tend to pay closer attention to what you put into your body. Besides being responsible for building our physical body, the foods we eat profoundly affect our mind. Continue reading

Raw, Vegan Live Food Diet? Reallly? Why? (part two): By Cyndi Dodick

“So this raw food thing sounds nice and all, but I’m pretty healthy, I have energy and honestly, I’m not feeling the whole salad scene.  I buy my meat and fowl and fish from local folks who really care about what they are doing and besides, what would we do with all those cows if we stopped eating them? ”

Why is it important to be plant-based? In a previous article we talked about some of the health benefits. What about the environmental costs of eating animals?  Well, if we care about the earth we are “gifting” to our children, it’s not just important, it is MANDATORY! Continue reading

The Big Two and the Mighty Ten in the Obesity Epidemic: by Dr Damiana Corca, L.Ac., DOM

The obesity rates are globally skyrocketing. In spite of the advanced technology available in our current healthcare system, solutions are far from being found and a so-called “cure” it is nothing but a merry chase.

The culprits for obesity are highlighted in two major causes. However, David B. Allison, PhD, and his colleagues have pointed out ten additional causes in their paper published in the International Journal of Obesity.


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Psychiatry in Chinese Medicine – A Basic Comparison of Western and Chinese Philosophies: by Dr. Damiana Corca, DOM, AP, L.Ac.

In order to grasp the idea of mental and emotional problems from the Chinese Medicine perspective we must uncover the meaning of basic terms such as spirit, mind and emotions. To understand the connotation of these words we need to explore philosophies such as Daoism and Confucianism, but also some of the Western philosophers’ views.

A recurring theme in Western philosophies is that emotions are waves clouding Reason. Furthermore, emotions are main cause of disease on many accounts, this being a common line of thought that Chinese Medicine agrees on. However, Chinese Medicine tends to consider emotions only as cause of disease, putting less emphasis on how emotions work. Continue reading