This Nonsense Makes Perfect Sense

HKL-Lamp of the Heart

In  2001, one of my students gave me a book “The Enlightened Heart” edited by Stephen Mitchell. Looking through it this morning I came across several beautiful poems. I wanted to share one with you from Lao Tzu that speaks my heart:

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The Emergence of Dr. Yitang Zhang: By Dr. Harsh K. Luthar

Professor Zhang_2014

Yitang Zhang received his doctorate from Purdue University in 1991 in Math and could not find a teaching position. For many years, Dr. Zhang worked for Subway restaurant in an assistant role.

In 1999, 8 years after he had finished his Ph.D., Dr. Zhang found a teaching position as a lecturer in University of New Hampshire. Last year, this unknown mathematician stunned the academic world by proving “a landmark theorem in the distribution of prime numbers”, that had perplexed mathematicians for centuries.

This week (on September 17, 2014), Dr. Zhang was awarded $625,000 as part of the 2014 MacArthur “Genius” Fellows class.

Although Professor Zhang faced many hardships after getting his doctorate, he showed remarkable perseverance in remaining in the field of mathematics. Even as he worked in the Subway sandwich shops, he continued to dream that he would eventually find a job teaching mathematics.

Such extraordinary persistence that Dr. Zhang showed is only possible when one truly loves his or her field of study.

Congratulations to Professor Zhang! His example is an inspiration for students and professors in every field of study.

Satsang with Robert Adams: By Kheyala


One of the first stops after leaving Colorado that my best friend and I took in our new home-on-wheels (“Lakshmi”) was in Sedona, AZ to go to satsang with Robert Adams. Many of you may know that Robert Adams (whose body died a few years ago) sat before Ramana for years in Tiruvannamalai.

We knew that Robert Adams was aging and that a special opportunity awaited us. Now, keep in mind that my conscious spiritual journey was rather new and I had previously immersed myself in the Satsang Mecca called Boulder.

I had really gotten a feeling for what satsang was “supposed to” look like and went to Robert Adams’ place fully armed with my finest “spiritual” clothing, “spiritual” face, “spiritual” voice, and “spiritual” sitting posture.

When we arrived, spiritually carrying our zaphus behind our hips in silence, heads held humbly down, we were quite surprised to find a room…

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The Highest Yoga: By Dr. Harsh K. Luthar


Accept everything deeply.

Bless the world and be at peace.

Be aware of your existence.

Remain still.

Be simply aware without judgment.

If thoughts come, be indifferent.

Do this for one minute.

Get the taste of this feeling. 

Abiding in this state is the highest yoga, the highest practice, the highest virtue.

Ahimsa and Self-Realization: By Dr. Harsh K. Luthar

Bhagavan with calf

In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Ahimsa (nonviolence) is considered the first principle of the spiritual life.

Ramana Maharshi, the great sage of Arunachala has clearly stated, “Ahimsa Param Dharma”. Translated this means that nonviolence is the supreme religion.

Perfect Self-Awareness is Ahimsa. Practice of nonviolence with awareness that the same life resides everywhere purifies the mind and allows for the deepest relaxation at the mental, physical, and spiritual level.

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Comment on a verse in Ashtavakra Gita: By Dr. Harsh K. Luthar

The nature of the Self is absolute, immutable, taintless. It is not distant, nor is it subject to attainment (being ever attained). This is the Truth. ——-Ashtavakra Gita

Here is my comment on this verse in six sentences.  This is the natural approach to stilling consciousness by being simply aware of awareness with one’s awareness.

To see that, which is obvious, look.

Do not look for anything, and do not look at anything.

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What Is Meditation? By Dr. Harsh K. Luthar

The Art Of Doing Nothing

By Dr. Harsh K. Luthar

My Dear Friends,

You have heard many things about meditation and perhaps there are questions in your mind about it. Today, there is no shortage of information on any topic having to do with meditation and yoga. There are literally thousands of books on meditation and yoga and self-help techniques. If you go on the Internet and put in a few key words, you will come across many views on meditation.

Some people equate repeating a mantra with meditation. Others say that if you focus on the in-going and out-going breath, that is meditation. There are people who believe that you must be able to sit cross-legged in the lotus position with a straight spine in order to meditate effectively.

Having meditated since early childhood, I can assure you that this is not true. Inviting aches and pains by sitting…

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