Solitude Is A State of Mind!

Solitude is in the mind of Man


Sri Ramana used to say that wherever we go, we take our mind with us. Therefore, regardless of our circumstances, we have to create the mental atmosphere of satsang (company of the Self). Bhagavan’s teaching is that serenity is a state of mind and not our circumstances.

 Sri Ramana says, “Solitude is in the mind of a man. One might be in the thick of the world and yet maintain perfect serenity of mind; such a person is always in solitude. Another may stay in the forest, but still be unable to control his mind. He cannot be said to be in solitude. Solitude is an attitude of the mind ; a man attached to the things of life cannot get solitude, wherever he may be. A detached man is always in solitude”.

Photo art is from Eden Kailash FB page.


The Obstacle is the Mind ~ Sri Ramana

The mind is the obstacle to Self-Realization.

Mind is the obstacle
Photo art from Ramana Maharshi FB page. Contributed by John Wassenberg

Sri Ramana says that mind prevents us from seeing Reality as it is. Bhagavan was explaining to the devotees that for spiritual growth it was no use changing the environment or one’s station in life. The obstacle was not external but the conditioned mind (See Talk 54 in “Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi”).

Bhagavan said to the devotee, “Why do you think you are a grihasta (householder)? If you go out as a sanyasi (monk), a similar thought (that you are a sanyasi-monk) will haunt you. Whether you continue in the household, or renounce it and go to the forest, your mind haunts you.” Bhagavan in Talk 54.

“Where psychology ends, there philosophy begins. This is experience; the mind is born; we see it; even without the mind we exist. There is everyone’s experience to prove it.” Bhagavan in Talk…

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Thoughts Change But Not You ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi

Thoughts change but you remain always the same.

Thoughts change but not you
Photo art from John Wassenberg’s fb page.

Sri Ramana Maharshi says in Talk 524 (Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi), “You must exist in order that you may think. You may think these thoughts or other thoughts. The thoughts change but not you. Let go the passing thoughts and hold on to the unchanging Self. The thoughts form your bondage. If they are given up, there is release. The bondage is not external.”

Devotee says: But it is not easy to remain without thinking.

Sri Ramana replies: You need not cease thinking. Only think of the root of the thoughts; seek it and find it. The Self shines by itself. When that is found the thoughts cease of their own accord. That is freedom from bondage (Talk 524).

Bhagavan Ramana teaches that any thing that appears and disappears is not you. That which remains always, is you. The Advaitic system…

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The Spiritual Secret Of Western Classical Music: By Alan Jacobs

Insightful article by Sri Alan Jacobs on “The Spiritual Secret Of Western Classical Music”

Alan Jacobs

To a degree music is rooted in Nature, that is in bird song, the babbling brook, waves breaking on the sea shore, the rustle of leaves in trees, and certain animal sounds. In man, as part of nature there is the desire to dance and sing when happy.

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Great article from yogini mystic writer Mira Prahbu currently living near the holy hill of Arunachala.

mira prabhu

flightfoxcomIn the course of a fiery discussion on how so-called gurus milk unwary disciples of their money as well as precious intangibles, a friend mentioned that Papaji (a devotee of Ramana Maharshi who later became a guru in his own right) had bluntly prophesied that in the not-so-distant future, a lot of money would be made out of drugs, guns and satsangh.

Now drugs and guns have always been money-spinners for unscrupulous individuals who worship Mammon—but making money out of satsangh? And what does the word mean in the first place? Etymologically satsangh derives from two Sanskrit words: sat (ultimate truth) and sangha (the company of spiritual friends). It means a gathering of seekers whose primary interest is to awaken the divine within themselves—and who seek strength and support as they tread the tortuous yet amazing journey into inner space. Often gurus hold satsanghs for their followers, and today’s…

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It Is Only You

If with the mind, you look at the mind patiently, through the sorrows and tears, joys and laughter, the exaltation and humiliations, the lucky breaks and tragedies of your life, you will look through your mind.

You will find yourself as yourself as the very look itself.

And there will remain only this looking, this seeing, free from form.

it cannot be named. No one remains to name it. It is only you, in the pristine and ultimate nakedness of your being.

The Looking


From Mira Prabhu on her spiritual journey. Mira Prabhu is a gifted writer, yogini mystic, residing near the holy mountain of Arunachala in India.

mira prabhu

BODHI LEAVES IN COLORIt was a gorgeous fall morning and I woke up deliriously happy in my new apartment. The past couple of months had been crazy with all sorts of pressures, but finally the move from Carroll Gardens to Brooklyn Heights came; since this was post-divorce and I was on my own, the task of moving, then settling in, took up every bit of my remaining energy.

Now Saturday had dawned and all the grueling work was done, so I was free to enjoy my beautiful apartment in the St. George Tower, with its view of the Promenade, and beyond it, the regal Statue of Liberty, telling me I had made it against all odds in the land of the brave and the free.

In Manhattan, folks make plans way ahead of the weekend. I, however, had been too busy to do that; besides, my friends were in the city, and not in this…

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All Life Is Sacred

All Life Is Sacred.

All life is sacred

Ahimsa (Nonviolence) is listed as the highest principle among all others in the ancient Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras of Maharishi Patanajali.

Indeed, it is the universal declaration of sages in all spiritual traditions that one should not harm other living beings as the same life energy permeates everyone.

All beings love life, want to be happy, and thrive. According to the law of karma, what one gives to others, one gets as well. Therefore, the secret to happiness is simply to support others in finding their joy.


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