The Nature of Satsang

If we find the company of good people on our path, it enhances our life in every way.

In Sanskrit, we call this, Satsang (Spiritual Fellowship).

Sages emphasize the power of Satsang to transform our life.

The Satsang need not be physical or face to face. Coming into contact with the thoughts of great saints and yogis via books or other media also constitutes Satsang.

Sri Ramana used to say that physical contact with the Guru is not important. It is the mental and spiritual contact that is critical and central for our growth.

All Love

2 thoughts on “The Nature of Satsang

  1. Reblogged this on mira prabhu and commented:
    Gautama Buddha advised us not to seek the company of those who will bring us down; yes, “If we find the company of good people on our path, it enhances our life in every way. In Sanskrit, we call this, Satsang (Spiritual Fellowship).” Read on and thank you for a great post, Harsh Luthar!


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