What Is Reality? By Rita Minassian

Rita Minassian What is reality?

Very often in the past,  clients who would come for a consultation for the first time would start our session always asking the same question: Am I loosing it?… This question found an echo within me, the “me” who was in the same questioning many many years ago…

I hear you wondering, crazy about what? …

… About a dead father coming into dreams to “talk”, or about a sign given in such precise way that you feel like “someone” knows about your private thoughts or wishes and wants to give you a hand. Crazy about inner values changing and decisions made on gut-feeling basis, seemingly irrational for the majority of people because their based on what your heart tells to do you instead of following the “logic” of your mind…

Our education, the conditioning of our society can make us feel as if we are living in a reversed motion from our environment, this is the state of the “hanged man”.

The 12th card in the Tarot of Marseille shows a hanged man suspended upside down by one foot from a tree branch. In most decks the other leg is placed in a position to make it look like the number 4, symbolizing structure. The man always looks at peace, not upset in any way: he is much more an observer than an actor, such an interesting card…

We all go through period of time in our life where we really feel that our point of view about the world is changing: we feel we are stepping aside from the “normal” path, from the acceptable mould of society. It would be very wrong to think we’re stopping to be logical, on the contrary our look, our thoughts, moves and perceptions then start to be more in tune with deep core values and with the true flow of the Universe.

You’ll always come across people telling you you’re living in wonderland, to come back on earth, not to lose sense of reality…

Reality…which reality? Your reality, the neighbor’s reality, the butcher’s reality? the president’s reality?… What makes their reality more relevant than mine?

“It’s only a belief!” they say… But when a belief (or something in which you don’t believe at all sometimes) happens to take a form, to have an impact in your life, a tangible event, then that belief becomes an experience. The sum of our experiences makes what we call our reality. Then our personal reality cannot be compared to anyone’s: we can just live it and share it without pushing people to adopt it. In the name of what should we judge anyone? Then in the name of what definition of reality should my, your, anyone’s reality be judged?

People like ancient Vedic sages who created the science of Ayurveda by connecting to Nature, Soufis connected to higher state of consciousness through dances and trances, Christian saints who lived the passion of Christ, defiying time – space, starting to speak ancient Aramean language that they never learned, Prophets of the Torah who used to advise kings thank to their clairvoyance…and also, simple people, regular village people, sometimes children who were healing, seeing, perceiving a personal reality impossible to share with everybody because it was out of the standards, all of them were then crazy?

Nowadays, many scientists are also inquiring about those “parallel worlds”, and fortunately, nobody will be burned anymore on a church square! But still, it is sad that some of them still don’t dare to talk openly about their intuitions because of the judgement of the scientific community. Fortunately, quantum physicist like Dr. Michio Kaku present their fascinating work about the possible existence of other dimensions, different from the 4 dimensions commonly admitted, through understandable books for laypersons*.

The answer I give is “no”, you’re not crazy at all, unless thousands of people around the world, in history until nowadays are also totally insane. And more will come…

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”  Arundhati Roy

* “Parallel worlds” , “Vision” Dr Michio Kaku.

Rita Minassian, www.ritaminassian.com