How Simple and Natural Food Changes Your Life: by Dr. Damiana Corca

After a two-month break from my writing, here I am, ready to share with you brand new ideas and thoughts. On a more personal note, my husband and I have recently moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee and we are excited to let you know that we will open the Elite HealthPlex Clinic here in Chattanooga, late this fall.

This article was inspired by the mountains and rich nature where our farm is located. Next spring is going to be a full and busy one for me, as I plan to have a relatively big garden, enough to grow most of the vegetables that one needs for a self-sustainable life. The following thoughts are just what I needed to reinforce this decision – the desire for fresh, organic, healthy food.

Food can bring delightful tastes and much pleasure but it can also govern and control your life. Nothing wrong with enjoying food but mind you, when highly processed food is part of your diet, addiction follows fast. Continue reading