The Enlightenment Business: Wisdom For Sale

By Dr. Harsh K. Luthar

Dr. Luthar listening to a presentation

Religion and spirituality today are a big business. Generally the spiritual teachers, preachers, gurus, and the so-called enlightened masters of the day are really motivational speakers and self-styled self-help experts who engage in entrepreneurial ventures for financial and commercial success.  Every year people spend billions of dollars buying the books, CDs, and self-help programs offered by such teachers.

The commodity that the spiritual teachers in the new age sell in the free market is “Enlightenment”. Enlightenment is intangible and not well-defined as a product. The cost of production and storage costs of “Enlightenment” are very low, and so there is always plenty in the inventory to sell!  Of course, there is the cost of marketing “Enlightenment”. Still, even with that expense, the profit margins for this product or service have the potential to be very large for the established experts or the spiritual teachers.

In a very real and substantive sense, the so-called modern teachers of “Enlightenment” are far removed from the sages of old who cared nothing for money and financial gains and adopted a life of humility, poverty, and service. Some of the well-known saints of India, such as Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Ramana, did not even touch money with their hands. Generally, in almost all the pictures, Sri Ramana is seen wearing one simple cloth piece called Kaupina, which is equivalent to an Indian underwear. These sages were venerated by their followers because they demonstrated in their life what true enlightenment embodies.

Many of the spiritual entrepreneurs of the day appear to seek the adoration and veneration from their followers without much inclination towards behavior or conduct befitting a sage. Although it seems self-evident to most objective observers, it is not always obvious to many disciples and students of yogis, spiritual teachers, and cult leaders that their gurus are simply human beings and therefore limited and sometimes deeply flawed with their own psychological and emotional baggage.

Just like the students, the so-called “gurus”, “masters”, and “spiritual teachers” are susceptible to all the weaknesses of the body and the mind. I have observed that the humanity of spiritual teachers or leaders is very difficult for many of their followers to accept. The mentoring relationship between a spiritual guru and his/her disciples can be very complex. When the students realize that their spiritual leader or guru, despite claims to moral superiority and being divine, etc., is just like them, it can come as a shock, a rude awakening. For many followers this is a very traumatic, and even a life changing event.

Many people continue to view their guru or their spiritual leader as being infallible even when overwhelming evidence points in the exact opposite direction! To avoid facing the painful reality, some followers interpret the facts of their leader’s bad conduct in creative ways to explain them away somehow. It happens. One has to only read the newspapers and the Internet sites to discover all the information there.  Spirituality and selling of wisdom is a huge business. The behavior of spiritual leaders can be analyzed from that perspective for a more complete understanding of the business of enlightenment.

Of course, we need to understand each other’s humanity and even forgive friends, teachers, and gurus when they have made mistakes in judgement. I am not criticizing the whole spiritual arena but simply pointing out the importance of objectively and rationally assessing situations involving marketing of wisdom by the spiritual leaders of the day, whoever they may be, and in whatever religious or spiritual tradition.

The need to stay loyal to our own intelligence and common sense when analyzing facts and situations, even when it comes to spiritual teachers, is important. To put another human being on a constant pedestal, even if that person is a guru or a spiritual teacher, is not fair to either that person or our own self.

Who is the ultimate Guru, other than our own Heart? This is the sacred Truth that we should grasp firmly and make our own.

I don’t like to be overly critical of spiritual teachers in any religion or spiritual tradition. Certainly, they bring many benefits to people and parts of humanity.  But it seems to me that many of the so called “gurus” and “spiritual masters” are plainly lacking in anything but the most superficial insight and knowledge.

Many of these self-help experts and self-proclaimed gurus struggle with serious emotional and psychological issues and need to be constantly on a power trip and thrive only when dominating their students and disciples. Some of these so-called “spiritual teachers” even seem to lack proper mental balance, suffer from low self-esteem, and need to carefully reflect on their actions and behaviors before they go around advising others on how to live properly.

It is no wonder that traditional religious and yogic orthodoxy in India responded so negatively to the attacks of  Jiddu Krishnamurti and later Rajneesh (Osho). Despite the serious personal limitations and weaknesses of these two critics of  the existing orthodoxy, they were powerful voices in pointing out the hypocrisy of  gurus and masters in spiritual traditions who “sell” Universal Truths, and make disciples dependent upon them.

Ironically, both J. Krishnamurthy and Rajneesh (Osho) fell into the same mental and spiritual traps that they accused other teachers of being in. It happens. This is all part of the human condition. Everyone, including the so-called gurus and teachers and the enlightened ones, are struggling to find their place and path in this world. As long as “Enlightenment” is viewed as a commodity that can be sold and bought, there will be sellers and buyers. This is simply how the free market works!

I don’t know if it is completely up to us to decide what our part in the spiritual circus is. We should not be overly judgemental but simply use our rational intelligence in evaluating the spiritual scene. Despite the force of circumstances, if we stay aware and devoted to the Heart, the True inner Guru, I feel we will be OK. It is always good to have a hearty laugh sometimes and not take the spiritual show business too seriously.

Love and Namaste to all — Harsh K. Luthar

Photo art from Eden Kailash on FB

Photo art from Eden Kailash on FB


80 thoughts on “The Enlightenment Business: Wisdom For Sale

  1. A lot of interesting stuff… but it is most important to directly perceive reality without concepts. If one is not familiar with the nature of one’s mind directly concepts offer only an embellished delusion. Thinking and ideas do not result in the awakened state.

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  2. Not sure why wearing kaupina is associated with being enlightened. While simplicity in life is a good thing, it need not necessarily be associated with enlightenment.
    Why we are so obsessed with outward appearance?

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    • Let us keep outward appearance aside. The signs of a ‘sthitapradnya’ are clearly mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita (2.55 – 2.72). They easily reveal the difference between a Sadguru like Ramana Maharshi and the mushrooming neo-advaita teachers.

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      • This is true. The proof is in the pudding, as the saying goes.

        But most seekers stop short once they have some “enlightenment” experiences and some intellectual understanding under their belt. They may have enough pieces of the puzzle to sort of figure out the picture enough to satisfy that pesky doer into believing it can fill in the rest on its own. The contemporary teachers on the circuit even encourage this stopping. But they do a disservice.

        The study of Vedanta is exquisite. With committment and a qualified Vedanta teacher the knowledge unfolds without gaps or blank spots….it completes the puzzle from A-Z.

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      • Yes, the type of person who quotes himself (with a stoic yet compassionate picture of himself) in online posts… Hilarious 😂

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    • Why are we obsessed with outward appearance? For the simple reason we like to judge people and label them as ‘genuinely enlightened’, ‘could be enlightened’, ‘not enlightened’ and many similar categories. Our own Guru is of course sitting on the pinnacle of enlightenment. This process is another outlet for our own self importance. Alas we don’t know what enlightenment really is and we don’t want to face it. So we wriggle out of the difficulty by using outward appearance as reflecting ‘simplicity’ which in turn supposedly reflects enlightenment. Problem solved, happy with our evaluations, self importance well defended.

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      • Harshaji, Krishnamurti’s statement is most telling. ‘When truth is repeated, it becomes a lie’. There is no use simply repeating Bhagavan’s statement ‘You know that you know nothing’. Just look at the comments here (and your own article!). Is there anybody who really behaves like he knows nothing. So we have not realized Bhagavan’s statement. It is clear we feel that we have arrived and wish to evaluate teachers and teachings. Anything but our selves!

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      • Sri Twopaisa-ji, you are right that it does seem like everyone behaves as if they actually know something!! We can say that about great sages as well. I feel we cannot object to people expressing their views as long as it is done in a relatively civil way. Some people are actually attempting humor and it comes across as if they “know it all,” which they might very well. But what can truly be known? As far as truth being repeated so often that it becomes a lie, I will have to leave that to Krishnamurti. Perhaps he feels that truth is diminished by repeating it very often. When Bhagavan says, “You know that you know nothing. Find out that knowledge,” to me, it is the most beautiful, subtle, and clear message and speaks to my heart and reveals my Heart. All Love. ❤


      • Harshaji, truth being repeated without living it is a lie. That is all. Sure expressing views in a civil manner is a lot better. But we express them as if they are ‘the truth’, not as just a view. Bottom line is that we do not know. But we refuse to face it and instead hide it with all kinds of borrowed words that we think are very divine!

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  3. Thankyou. The commodification of spirituality is huge. The love of and sharing of truth is priceless. I observe huge wealth generated which is sometimes then used to suport unsustainable and lavish lifestyles (mansions, first class travel, luxury, vehicles, accommodation etc.,) This creates an appertite that can take over and distort perception. This is all as it is except for one glitch: We live on a finite planet, there is only so much to go around,. The examples of teachers living modestly and suporting sustainability and affordability for followers is often lacking. On a basic level we are nature expressing itself through this experience, too live a lifestyle seperated from “nature” and that reality is denying what is. Limitless love and truth trumps all and can never be a commodity.

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  4. There is nothing more dangerous than half baked knowledge. I am sorry Harsha, but you are way off on this. First off, ‘It is no wonder that traditional religious and yogic orthodoxy in India responded so negatively to the attacks of Jiddu Krishnamurti..”. Wow! Even a little reading would have revealed the unending stream of traditional religious men who sought meetings with Krishnamurti every time he visited India. From Anandamayi Ma, Swami Ramdas, Swami Venkatesananda, the Dalai Lama and any number of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain monks. Ramana Maharshi himself told Maurice Frydman that like the Buddha, Krishnamurti’s teachings were beyond expression. And here you are, claiming that Krishnamurti fell into a trap! Ignorance, aggressive judgement, frozen prejudices etc are all hindrances we must guard against. This article is a prime example.

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    • I only know of two documented cases where Ramana answered a question where the questioner referred to J Krishnamurti (Talks 41 and 239). I am not aware of Ramana ever directly referring to Krishnamurti. In Talk 41, Ramana does not agree with something the questioner claims Krishnamurti teaches. As to whether Ramana considers Krishnamurti a jnani can not be determined. In Talk 239, the relevant exchange is as follows:

      “D.: Krishnamurti says that man should find out the `I’. Then `I’ dissolves away, being only a bundle of circumstances. There is nothing behind the `I’. His teaching seems to be very much like Buddha’s.

      M.: Yes – yes, beyond expression.”

      Here, the ‘teaching’ referred to seems to be that put forth by the questioner. As what Ramana, if anything, thinks of Krishnamurti’s teachings as a whole can not be determined.

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      • The questioner was Frydman, who was a devotee of both. He would leave Ramana ashram to meet Krishnamurti and return back. When Frydman talks about ‘his teaching’ after naming Krishnamurti it is very clear that Ramana is speaking about Krishnamurti and agreeing with the view of Frydman that Krishnamurti’s teachings are similar to that of the Buddha. Ramana further adds his own assessment ‘beyond expression’. Something he has not used about any other teacher during his life time.


      • Not at all. You are giving your own twist to a simple sentence for some unknown reason. There are only three people involved in the conversation. Frydman, Ramana, and Krishnamurti. After naming Krishnamurti, Frydman says ‘his teaching’ (not ‘my teaching’) so it not about himself. In any case, Frydman did not consider himself to be a teacher. Ramana is hardly commenting about his own teaching! Either way it is simple and clear.


    • Aren’t ‘Traditional’ and ‘Orthodox’ merely concepts? One’s mind must be rigid and ‘conditioned’ in a certain way to label others so. Aren’t Krishnamurti’s attacks against the so called traditional stuff based upon Ignorance, aggressive judgement and frozen prejudices ?

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      • So you are unable to tell the difference between the concept of tradition and practicing tradition. Ok. Is sati a concept? Is untouchability a concept? And if someone points this out, he is being rigid and conditioned!


  5. Not at all. You are giving your own twist to a simple sentence for some unknown reason. There are only three people involved in the conversation. Frydman, Ramana, and Krishnamurti. After naming Krishnamurti, Frydman says ‘his teaching’ (not ‘my teaching’) so it not about himself. In any case, Frydman did not consider himself to be a teacher. Ramana is hardly commenting about his own teaching! Either way it is simple and clear.


    • I have briefly pondered these two talks in the past. They are inconclusive as far as to determine any opinion of Ramana because Ramana was not of the type to speak against another or one’s beliefs. (It makes no difference that the questioner is Frydman, a devotee of good but unexceptional quality.) Ramana keeps silent on ‘Krishnamurti’ himself. However, I am curious why you are so worried about Krishnamurti so as to have written an emotional response in the first place. Occasionally Krishnamurti was insightful, but usually he lacks much depth and is highly repetitive and inflexible. His personal life was certainly not consistent with his public image. I have read a lot of his talks when I was younger and what his various admirers have written. Now, I little find little value in reflecting upon what he has said any longer, since there are many much better sources to refer to than J Krishnamurti, who was a troubled individual except for perhaps in special moments. He was a mediocre thinker who likely had a few special experiences. It is up to you, but I suggest you ask yourself why it hurts you to hear him criticized. Why be attached to him?

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      • Oh,so one who writes with facts is giving an emotional response. But you write plenty about ‘mediocre thinker’, ‘troubled individual’, ‘lacks depth’, etc etc etc. Objective words indeed. It is clear how much one has understood and how much one has traveled on the spiritual path. Very sorry, but Ramana has not used ‘beyond expression’ to describe anybody or any other teaching. And he has been critical of some individuals and practices as well. No more from me on this, you can rest in your comfortable conclusions.

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      • twopaisa-ji, are you responding to Evan or myself. I am no longer sure what we are talking about? Sorry if your feelings are/were hurt. People express different views according to their thinking and perceptions and it is not something we need to take personally. All Love. ❤


      • Harshaji, I have said what I felt when you first posted this article. My recent response was not directed at you. Not taking anything personal, but one cannot distort facts in order to rush to judgement based on very limited or erroneous information.

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    • Only an aware or a realised person can point to self-reliance as a way to enlightenment while many deeply conditioned and psychological minds due to their intensity of misery and separation look for release and guidance…..thus plethora of teachers,gurus and masters who themselves have been seekers of truth at some point.Non-judgement is the best recourse as Ramana Maharishi only said that it is only by the grace of God that you think of God….and each due to their disposition attracts the suitable teacher….I feel it is good many are seeking self-realisation and there are many truth bearers false or true…..who cares….it is all Leela…Visibles pointing to the Invisible and as far as this being inseparable from maya and money is concerned isn’t it only in one of the ancient religious traditions that Godess Luxmi sits Center stage.

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  6. Interesting points of view……….. yes, its a business………. but it was always so……… thought strictly not called business………… Religion and Spirituality have always been businesses… generating income to sustain their organisations….. but they exist and last, because they fulfill a need of the population…….. today’s modern spiritual gurus, are using the latest technologies to keep with changes in the modern world……… use efficient delivery mechanisms to reach their customers…………. and if you examine closely, all the popular gurus are peddling age old wisdom, in new bottles………….. but essentially, it is useful, and will certainly enhance the quality of life of those who subscribe to the wisdom and apply it in their daily lives…………….. its a need being met!

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    • Good answer! Thomas Aquinas after he woke up said, “all before is as straw”. He kept going though with his writing knowing it would be useful “and will certainly enhance the quality of life of those who subscribe to the wisdom and apply it in their daily lives…………….. its a need being met!” to quote your post.

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  7. The only ones selling enlightenment are those selling a quick path to a goal. As the piece points out those people selling are mired in themselves. Osho has done more damage to eastern spirituality than anyone before or since. Ramana was a wonderful and sweet saint who lived lightly and help many. His teachings have been distorted into many things by westerners who came to India looking for a spiritual product to sell, because they all believe that they should live a western life paid for by their eastern spirituality. I know many of them and they actively adapt what little knowledge they have, add a simple belief to it and form it into a marketing package that they hope to sell.

    It is very sad. But the piece above also makes the notion the your “heart” is your ultimate Guru, that is true if you want to wait another million or billion years, your heart is not directing your life, actions or thoughts. Guru means one who dispels the darkness, instead hoping your heart will do it for you, go find a true Guru and wake up, your heart will keep beating all the while. To enlighten one must give up everything, including the desire for glory and comfort.

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    • Bob, Thank you. This is what needed to be said.

      “Enlightenment”, or whatever one wants to call it, is a realization of self. It is real. Not a vague mystical notion involving the heart or special states. Come what may, it is only after one truly realizes that he/she can look back and see clearly that enlightenment itself was also a notion….But first things first! This is what is so screwed up in these times. The cart is placed in front of the horse. And that opposes the nature of the function as it was designed.

      Though it does not claim exclusivity, there is a means to hard and fast knowledge of the self. That is the study of Vedanta. But it requires preparation, focus, a qualified Guru (in the true meaning of that word) and an uncommon dispassion to set all beliefs and desires aside and LISTEN. It must take priority over everything else. Thank you.

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  8. No one, can do other than they do….not even enlightenment “stars.” It is the whole basis of forgiveness. Nobody is living their own lives…life is living life. Just allow these expressions to pursue their thing or simply ignore them when they are no longer pertinent. There’s no problem. I am certain Krishnamurti would agree.

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  9. When I woke up in 1970, of course it was wonderful, but had no idea what happened. Fortunately the next day I was handed a copy of “who am I”. This was the only source of info available. The only context for the subject was In Indian terms, wrapped in exotic lingo and religious expression. Having been an atheist prior to the experience, I have no use for that, as religion has nothing to do with it. It is a natural phenomenon. To expect one to take up poverty and service would be like expecting Edison to do that simply because he has the gift of genius. I am grateful to these purveyors of wisdom because they make known a subject that few in the West were conscious of. There are Christian preachers who have caught on to the concept of your mind being your biggest roadblock and how to get it under control. Control of the mind is the concept pushed in all spiritual paths as a preliminary to awakening.
    When the Buddha was asked he denied all titles and said only that he was awake.

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    • I’ve never understood that a seeker is expected “to take up poverty and service” unless it is for sannyasa or monastic life. But aside from that…having an awakening is not the same as identifying continuously AS the self. Those that identify AS the self, such as Ramana Maharshi, have very identifiable qualities that are clearly stated in Vedic texts. When studied with a qualified teacher these texts are hardly exotic as they elucidate the human experience common to all. And as for religion…it is the most natural phenomenon there is when the truth be known.

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      • Who are these qualified teachers? Are they only the ones that follow Vedic texts. Is Maharshi the only one that’s truly awake. Is it not possible for someone outside the Indian sphere to wake up?
        Is a Sufi sage unqualified? Was the Buddha not qualified because he only said he was awake? Any teaching about awakening is only a finger pointing at the moon. Judging and condemning others is a poor way to travel.
        I have read that Maharshi never judged other ways to the goal.

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      • Judging? Condemning?….You are reading this into my comment, sir. I’m only responding to points as part of a discussion. And all your leading questions reveal your own silly assumptions about what I believe…Enough. Good day!

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    • “When I woke up in 1970…” Lol 😂

      Guarantee that what you call awakening is light years away from actual awakening. It’s not an intellectual epiphany you have one day—those are common among thinking, feeling people. It’s a complete transmogrification of one’s being, brought about by shaktipat, by the grace of the guru, normally after years or decades of meditation, tapas, renunciation or other rigorous practices. Sorry, but you ain’t there yet, not by a long shot, so don’t claim to be…


      • Nice to hear from an EXPERT? on the trade. So only thru your path can one awake. Well I have a news bulletin. It is more common than imagined in the restricted minds of the eastern trade who wish to keep it for their own reasons. When one reduces the experience to its essentials it is returning to the state of a child. All the endless strings of words are fingers pointing at the moon. To ascribe mystical powers to a person is like ascribing rocket science to an infant. There are no mystical powers! All the scriptures are strings of words with the exception of the phrase “born again”. Reborn into a world of wonder and delight, a world available to all, no need of instruction. “Truth is a pathless land”. I went thru the gates of hell to wake up and if one checks one can see that seems to the common experience of all awakened. The west is taking over the trade as more and more are seeing that thoughts can be the enemy of a joyful life.

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      • There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio…

        You must acknowledge the possibility that for you yourself, true awakening is a Rumsfeldian unknown unknown (i.e., you don’t know that you don’t know).

        In return, I’ll acknowledge the possibility that you DO know. 🙂


  10. I am not entitled to judge anyone here. However, when only the presence of the master shakes your very foundation then you have found the right master. The absolute silence of the master speaks to your soul and leaves you utterly blissful. Osho has done same for me.

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  11. The following statements are eye-openers in this article:
    1.Who is the ultimate Guru, other than our own Heart? This is the sacred Truth that we should grasp firmly and make it our own.
    2……the hypocrisy of gurus and masters in spiritual traditions who “sell” Universal Truths, and make disciples dependent upon them.
    3……if we stay aware and devoted to the Heart, the True inner Guru, I feel we will be OK.

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  12. I am surprised at the criticism of Krishnamurti. To me he was
    an eloquent speaker of the Truth and full of compassion. Not to be compared to Osho who was not the real deal and did not do Indian wisdom any favors.

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    • A message I sent to Dr. Jill Taylor who woke up from a stroke fully realized.

      Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor

      Mar 21 at 11:52 PM

      Doctor Jill;

      Observations on the guru trade. I have looked into the guru trade for 45 years, from the point of view of a fly on the wall. Must have occurred to you that the trade can be very lucrative, both in cash but also in adoration from a coterie of devotees. Byron Katie and Eckhard Tolle’s net worth is in the low 30 million range. Katie dishes out zen korans to an adoring crowd of well healed ladies. Tolle pontificates on every thing from how to reorder the world to how to fix hangnails. Oprah Winfrey deserves much credit for bringing the most earth shaking idea to view since John Locke proclaimed “Tabula Rasa”.

      It is amazing that those that have fallen awake mostly handle the “god experience” with a level head and do not run around claiming to be Jesus Christ.

      Sure the world is perfect and I love what is, but I would like to have a Nietzsche type appear and clear away the dross.

      Dave Mahar

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  13. Personally I feel that all of these teachers and the business of enlightenment have their place. Each person is drawn to the expression of wisdom that matches their maturity you might say. I too have been drawn to some of these teachers and found it helpful, for a time. My teacher, Robert Adams, likes to say there are no mistakes, everything is in its right place so don’t worry about what anyone else is doing just find the truth for yourself.
    However I do think you make some important points here in that even if there is no judgment of these people there is a call for discrimination. If one genuinely desires truth, real freedom and happiness, has earnestness as Nisargadatta says they will eventually be drawn to a true Jnani. I found Bhagavan in this way, after a while he spoke for my heart and those like him. Now I find I have no interest in spirituality in the usual sense but only in realizing what is true. I do think it all comes right in the end.

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  14. Wonder what this fuss is all about? are we discussing the profile of a Guru or are we discussing, If there is a commercial angle to the business of spirituality. so be it! Lastly many would know that the Guru doesnt appear, before the disciple is ready, arent we missing this point?

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  15. All these discussions are meaningless once we enter that vast expanse of ‘Truth-Being-Existence-Consciousness and Bliss’. As Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi puts it “There is nothing more to be learnt, discussed or concluded; everybody knows I am”. This ‘I-am ness’ is the key to open the door of ‘Self-Realization, Sahaja Samadhi and Liberation in Life. Unless we are capable of shattering the shadow of the center (EGO) within ourselves, these sorts of meaningless mutterings will keep on repeating..

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  16. Thank you for this. I couldn’t agree more, which is why I hold Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi in such high esteem. Unfortunately, despite the belief that they have destroyed their egos (because sense of self has left), many show very clear “egotism.” One can’t have “no ego.” and no self, when they are engaged in constant self-promotion.

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  17. Opinions love company that agrees and is reactionary to opposite views…. Truth arises in Being, it is beyond form and concept. So to quote others without internally experiencing the truth of it as it arrises is to turn something that is living into an artifact…It’s not a commodity..

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  18. Many of the above-mentioned teachers are like Muhammad Ali, declaring they are the greatest (which they are LOL) through the ongoing promotions and internet marketing. There is this phenomenon amongst many westerners, where Truth is objectified into an intellectual construct (like quantum mechanics ), the thing is Truth is experienced in Being, so you have to wonder if any of these teachers get to Be….The constant marketing, book launching, interviews, self-promotion, , Satsang cirque, empire building, etc.. consumes their experience which unfortunately gets hijacked by the Ego….Who would want to accumulate great personal wealth? That which is awake here has no interest in that…it would be shared or donated long before it became a sticky velcro calling card.
    Knowing that Life has fully provided and landed us here now, is all we need. It is quite simple and straight forward to tune into an abundant flow and way of Being that fully provides, there is no need to amass personal fortunes. Its completely inappropriate in the relative reality of a finite planet, with limited resources, unrelenting poverty and famine and environmental degradation caused by excessive consumption and greed. My friend Miyrere Miyandazi, walked from Kenya to Capetown and back through some of the most violent and dangerous places in Africa. He carried no food, money, passport, or camping supplies, he makes sandals from old car tires as they wear out. He is an Awake Massi warrior, who walks for unity, and to bring attention to the divisiveness the Colonial Programing. He knows and trusts that his needs will be met, so no need to carry anything. His epic saga took years and when he returned he set up an orphanage for the homeless children whom he befriended on his mission, check out Oldham House of Grass,
    They support a community of about 40 kids on $400/ month with no aid. I highly recommend reading Myrere posts on FB, an example of awaking in Africa that is not commodified.
    Thought I would add this to the discussion. On a personal note, I’ve enjoyed listening to some of the previously mentioned teachers, or more precisely celebrities at various times but their message fades yet Ramana is ever present.

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  19. With all due respect to you sir, I disagree with this article. Sri Nisargadatta smoked and also sold beedis, Shiva drank, Krishna danced with women and fought wars, Bhakti saints like Meera Bhai and Akka Mahadevi felt that their deities were their lovers and even left their husbands for their lover. How is being an entrepreneur Guru worse or better than any of these? If one wants to sit on the outside and condemn, then one can condemn anything… including accusing Sri Ramana Maharshi of being lazy and not working!

    Calling some sage in the past as the real enlightened being and great is very easy. Most people ignored Ramakrishna and Buddha and Jesus when they were alive (in fact Jesus was crucified). Now we call them great because everybody else calls them great. Little intelligence is required here. In fact one requires a lot of sensitivity, investigation, intelligence, and patience to recognize a living Guru (assuming he/she is really genuine).

    I can easily think of why a business model is often useful even for Gurus… if one wants to transmit methods of self transformation (even the question ‘who am I’ is one such method) to large number of people (in a short period of time) — then of course money, advertising etc. becomes necessary. One cannot depend on charity alone to do this. And what does free mean? If I give you free food, the food may be free for you but I am paying for it. There are only a few things one can give free… like useless advice. Condemning money as bad is no different from condemning sex, gays, dancing, etc. No offence, but this is my humble opinion.


    • Possibly, you should read the article carefully again. Then you will be able to comment on the actual content of the article. It is a long article and you may have to read it several times. Thanks for your first effort though.


      • Thanks for your reply. I read the article again. This is what I understand from it.
        1) Article says “Religion and spirituality today are a big business. Generally the spiritual teachers, preachers, gurus, and the so-called enlightened masters of the day are really motivational speakers and self-styled self-help experts who engage in entrepreneurial ventures for financial and commercial success.” –> It is implied here that most enlightened masters of today are not enlightened but only motivational speakers particularly because they have a business model. A negative connotation is assigned here for both a business model and masters of today, since the article also uses words like “spiritual show business”, spiritual teachers with “low self esteem”, “lack proper mental balance” etc. etc. As mentioned in my earlier comment, even a modern genuine spiritual master may need a business model if they want to reach out a large number of people in a short period of time; so there is nothing wrong with a business model or money per se.

        2) Article says “In a very real and substantive sense, the so-called modern teachers of “Enlightenment” are far removed from the sages of old who cared nothing for money and financial gains and adopted a life of humility, poverty, and service.” The article compares modern teachers with the “sages of old” based on money and financial gains. As mentioned in my earlier comment, it is quite hard to truly recognize a living Master as usually the Master did not fit ‘well’ into the societies judgement of how a master should be (most people ignored or were offended by realized beings during their lifetime — the Masters became “great” only much after they died.)

        3) I understand the author has tried to be neutral in some lines but the overall tone of the article is, in my opinion, judgmental and negative. I do agree with this sentence “I am not criticizing the whole spiritual arena but simply pointing out the importance of objectively and rationally assessing situations involving marketing of wisdom by the spiritual leaders of the day, whoever they may be, and in whatever religious or spiritual tradition.” I also think one should rationally assess situations. But this can happen by not superficially looking at them from the outside, but by investigating deeper and seeing if you experience them beyond the simple body-mind complex. I do fully agree with this sentence “We should not be overly judgemental but simply use our rational intelligence in evaluating the spiritual scene.”

        Thank you for your time.


  20. The need to stay loyal to our own intelligence and common sense when analyzing facts and situations, even when it comes to spiritual teachers, is important. To put another human being on a constant pedestal, even if that person is a guru or a spiritual teacher, is not fair to either that person or our own self. Somehow , from the beginning I have followed this advice from with-in. As a child I saw my mother going to Radha- Swami Satsang and I used to follow her. I watched these Guru’s carefully and analytically and to tell you the truth ,I was never impressed. And I kept continuing in my search to find intellectual understanding and something that appeals to me wholeheartedly. After reading I AM THAT and thereafter reading literature of Bhagvan Ramana Maharshi , am sure that it is my path and I realize that all is with-in me and no guru and teaching can help me up to the end. I follow my inner vibes and instincts only. Teacher is the teaching. Teacher is the manifestation of the true teaching. Ramakrishna , Ramana Maharshi , Anandamayi Ma and Nisargadatta Maharaj are rarest of the rare sages. And today so many cults are mushrooming in the horizon of spirituality and wisdom and marketing of their products and worldly wisdom.. not great scenario for the new entrants ……

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